XPA-deficiency in hairless mice causes a shift in skin tumor types and mutational target genes after exposure to low doses of UVBA de Vries, RJW Berg, S Wijnhoven, PW Wester, CF van Kreijl, HJ van Kranen, H van Steeg08/06/1998Tijdschriftartikel
The Asn9 variant of lipoprotein lipase is associated with the - 93G promoter mutation and an increased risk of coronary artery diseaseJJP Kastelein, BE Groenemeyer, DM Hallman, H Jansen, JC Seidell, D Kromhout, et al.08/06/1998Tijdschriftartikel
Molecular epidemiology of drug-resistant pneumococci: toward an international approachPWM Hermans, M Sluijter, S Dejsirilert, K Elzenaar, et al.04/06/1998Tijdschriftartikel
Long-term gender-specific effects of manipulation during pregnancy on immune and endocrine responsiveness in rat offspringJM Bakker, GPJM van den Dobbelsteen, H Kroes, et al.08/06/1998Tijdschriftartikel
Influence of nucleotide excision repair on N-hydroxy-2-acetylaminofluorene-induced mutagenesis studied in labda-lacZ-transgenic miceAFW Frijhoff, CAM Krul, A de Vries, H van Steeg, et al.16/06/1998Tijdschriftartikel
Human B- and T-cell responses after immunization with a hexavalent porA meningococcal outer membrane vesicle vaccineE van Rouppe-der Voort, H van Dijken, B Kuipers, J van de Biezen, P van der Ley, J Myelis, I Claassen, J Poolman16/06/1998Tijdschriftartikel
Estimation of the effect of increasing UVB exposure on the human immune system and related resistance to infectious diseases and tumoursJ Garssen, M Norval, A El-Ghorr, H van Loveren16/06/1998Tijdschriftartikel
Detection of bacterial DNA in joint samples from patients with undifferentiated arthirtis and reactive arthritis, using polymerase chain reaction with universal 16S ribosomal RNA primersB Wilbrink, IM van der Heijden, LM Schouls, JDA van Embden, et al.08/06/1998Tijdschriftartikel
Calibrating Ellenberg indicator values for moisture, acidity, nutrient availability and salinity in the NetherlandsACD Ertsen, JRM Alkemade, MJ Wassen16/06/1998Tijdschriftartikel