Community-acquired pathogens associated with prolonged coughing in children: a prospective cohort studyFGA Versteegh, GJ Weverling, MF Peeters, B Wilbrink, MTM Veenstra-van Schie, JM van Leeuwen-Gerritsen, EANM Mooi-Kokenberg, JFP Schellekens, JJ Roord03/10/2005Tijdschriftartikel
Characterization of model error in a simulation of fine particulate matter exposure distributions of the working age population in Helsinki, FinlandOO Hanninen, JT Tuomisto, MJ Jantunen, E Lebret18/10/2005Tijdschriftartikel
Can we fix it? Yes we can! but what? A new test of procedural invariance in TTO-measurementAE Attema, WBF Brouwer31/10/2005Tijdschriftartikel
Biowaiver monographs for immediate release solid oral dosage forms: Ranitidine hydrochlorideH Kortejarvi, M Yliperttula, JB Dressman, HE Junginger, KK Midha, VP Shah, DM Barends18/10/2005Tijdschriftartikel
Beta2-adrenergic receptor polymorphisms and salbutamol-stimulated energy expenditureJM Oomen, CT van Rossum, B Hoebee, WH Saris, MA van Baak18/10/2005Tijdschriftartikel
An approach to estimate between- and within-group correlation coefficients in multicenter studies: plasma carotenoids as biomarkers of intake of fruits and vegetablesP Ferrari, WK Al-Delaimy, N Slimani, HC Boshuizen, A Roddam, P Orfanos, G Skeie, M Rodriguez-Barranco, A Thiebaut, G Johansson, D Palli, H Boeing, K Overvad, E Riboli03/10/2005Tijdschriftartikel
Aircraft and road traffic noise and children's cognition and health: a cross-national studySA Stansfeld, B Berglund, C Clark, I Lopez-Barrio, P Fischer, E Ohrstrom, MM Haines, J Head, S Hygge, I van Kamp, BF Berry18/10/2005Tijdschriftartikel
Age-specific long-term course of IgG antibodies to pertussis toxin after symptomatic infection with Bordetella pertussisFGA Versteegh, PLJM Mertens, HE de Melker, JJ Roord, JFP Schellekens, PFM Teunis20/10/2005Tijdschriftartikel
Age at menarche in relation to adult height: the EPIC studyNC Onland-Moret, PHM Peeters, CH van Gils, HB Bueno de Mesquita, et al.18/10/2005Tijdschriftartikel
Adipose gene expression patterns of weight gain suggest counteracting steroid hormone synthesisEM van Schothorst, N Franssen-van Hal, MM Schaap, J Pennings, B Hoebee, J Keijer18/10/2005Tijdschriftartikel