Biocompatibility and degradation mechanisms of predegraded and non-predegraded poly(lactide) implants. An animal studyWH de Jong, JE Bergsma, AWM van Rozendaal, JS Teppema, JW Dorpema, et al.12/11/1996Tijdschriftartikel
Autoantibodies against MDA-LDL in subjects with severe and minor atherosclerosis and healthy population controlsLPL van de Vijver, R Steyger, G van Poppel, JMA Boer, JC Seidell, et al.07/11/1996Tijdschriftartikel
Association of physical activity and other lifestyle factors with fibrinogen and factor VII in elderly men [Abstract]FCH Bijnen, EJM Feskens, S Giampaoli, D Kromhout05/11/1996Tijdschriftartikel
Association between summer air pollution, respiratory symptoms and IL-8 in nasal lavage fluid of asthmatics [Abstract]TJN Hiltermann, CR de Bruijne, PH Fischer, CB Ameling, L van Bree07/11/1996Tijdschriftartikel
Application of food web models for regional risk assessment of toxicantsTP Traas, T Aldenberg12/11/1996Tijdschriftartikel
Apolipoprotein E4 allele modifies the association of cognitive decline to cardiovascular diseases and risk factors [Abstract]S Kalmijn, EJM Feskens, LJ Launer, D Kromhout05/11/1996Tijdschriftartikel
Antioxidatieve flavonolen en coronaire hartziekten bij Britse mannen: de Caerphilly Study [Abstract]MGL Hertog, PM Sweetnam, AM Fehily, PC Elwood, D Kromhout07/11/1996Tijdschriftartikel
Analysis of fluoride and phosphate by capillary electrophoresis: from "simple" malt systems to complex environmental matricesMAGT van den Hoop, HJ van Staden05/11/1996Tijdschriftartikel
Alcohol, fish, fibre and antioxidant vitamins intake do not explain population differences in coronary heart disease mortalityD Kromhout, BPM Bloemberg, EJM Feskens, MGL Hertog, A Menotti, H Blackburn18/11/1996Tijdschriftartikel
A probabilistic model for deriving soil quality criteria based on secondary poisoning of top predators. II. Calculations for dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and cadmiumRH Jongbloed, TP Traas, R Luttik18/11/1996Tijdschriftartikel