A methodology for developing key events to advance nanomaterial-relevant adverse outcome pathways to inform risk assessment.S Halappanavar, JD Ede, I Mahapatra, HF Krug, ED Kuempel, I Lynch, RJ Vandebriel, JA Shatkin21-12-2020Tijdschriftartikel
Long-term exposure to low-level air pollution and incidence of asthma: the ELAPSE project.S Liu, JT Jorgensen, P Ljungman, G Pershagen, T Bellander, K Leander, PKE Magnusson, D Rizzuto, UA Hvidtfeldt, M Strak, et.al.14-12-2020Tijdschriftartikel
A review to support the derivation of a worst-case dermal penetration value for nanoparticles .I Gimeno-Benito, A Giusti, S Dekkers, A Haase, G Janer07-12-2020Tijdschriftartikel
Nationwide seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 and identification of risk factors in the general population of the Netherlands during the first epidemic wave.ERA Vos, G den Hartog, RM Schepp, P Kaaijk, J van Vliet, K Helm, G Smits, A Wijmenga-Monsuur, JDM Verberk, M van Boven, RS van Binnendijk, HE de Melker, L Mollema, FRM van der Klis07-12-2020Tijdschriftartikel
The rhythm of risk: sexual behaviour, PrEP use and HIV risk perception between 1999 and 2018 among men who have sex with men in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.M Basten, C den Daas, JCM Heijne, A Boyd, U Davidovich, G Rozhnova, M Kretzschmar, A Matser07-12-2020Tijdschriftartikel
Hotspots and correlates of soil-transmitted helminth infections in a Venezuelan rural community: which are the "wormy" houses?RN Incani, ME Grillet, L Mughini-Gras07-12-2020Tijdschriftartikel
Sources and transmission routes of campylobacteriosis: a combined analysis of genome and exposure data.L Mughini-Gras, R Pijnacker, C Coipan, AC Mulder, A Fernandes Veludo, S de Rijk, AHAM van Hoek, S Kuiling, A Verbruggen, J van der Giessen, M Opsteegh, FM Schets, H Blaak, E Franz, et.al.07-12-2020Tijdschriftartikel
Population impact of girls-only HPV16/18 vaccination in the Netherlands: cross-protective and second-order herd effects.J Hoes, PJ Woestenberg, JA Bogaards, AJ King, HE de Melker, J Berkhof, CJPA Hoebe, MAB van der Sande, BHB van Benthem07-12-2020Tijdschriftartikel
Comment on "External validation of the core obesity model to assess the cost-effectiveness of weight management interventions".BLT Ramaekers, B Wijnen, N Armstrong, S Petersohn, T Feenstra, J Wang, MA Joore07-12-2020Tijdschriftartikel
Integrating alternative social value judgments into cost-effectiveness analysis of vaccines: an application to varicella-zoster virus vaccination.J Luyten, AJ van Hoek01-12-2020Tijdschriftartikel