Guidelines for the determination of extractable organic halogen in waters (EOH)RCC Wegman, RJ Oake31/12/1983Tijdschriftartikel
Glycogen storage diseases in animals and their potential value as models of human disease. A reviewHC Walvoort31/12/1983Tijdschriftartikel
GC-TEA analysis of volatile N-nitrosamines in various substrates: SilagesLW van Broekhoven, G Ellen, RW Stephany31/12/1983Tijdschriftartikel
GC-TEA analysis of volatile N-nitrosamines in various substrates. Other products: General aspectsG Ellen31/12/1983Tijdschriftartikel
Further research into the possibility of Salmonella-free fattening and slaughter of pigsJ Oosterom, S Notermans31/12/1983Tijdschriftartikel
Factors effecting the enumeration of coliphages in sewage and sewage- polluted watersAH Havelaar, WM Hogeboom20/12/1983Tijdschriftartikel
Experimental Trichinella spiralis and Trichinella pseudospiralis trichinellosis in monkeysF van Knapen, W Kociecka31/12/1983Tijdschriftartikel
Evidence for host-cell selection of influenza virus antigenic variantsGC Schild, JS Oxford, JC de Jong, RG Webster31/12/1983Tijdschriftartikel