Corrigendum to Probabilistic dietary exposure assessment taking into account variability in both amount and frequency of consumptionW Slob05/12/2006Tijdschriftartikel
Antituberculosis drug resistance in the South of Vietnam: Prevalence and trendsNT Huong, NTN Lan, FGJ Cobelens, BD Duong, NV Co, MC Bosman, SJ Kim, D van Soolingen, MW Borgdorff05/12/2006Tijdschriftartikel
Diagnosis of norovirus outbreaks by commercial ELISA or RT-PCRE de Bruin, E Duizer, H Vennema, MPG Koopmans05/12/2006Tijdschriftartikel
The use of the DR CALUX bioassay and indicator polychlorinated biphenyls for screening of elevated levels of dioxins and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls in eelR Hoogenboom, T Bovee, W Traag, R Hoogerbrugge, B Baumann, L Portier, G van de Weg, J de Vries05/12/2006Tijdschriftartikel
The relation between the quantity of ammonium compounds in tobacco and the nitrogen monoxide (NO) levels in the smoke of cigarettes marketed in the NetherlandsJGC van Amsterdam, TM Brunt, APJ Verlaan, RFMJ Cleven, A Opperhuizen, W Vleeming05/12/2006Tijdschriftartikel
Developing a vaccination evaluation model to support evidence-based decision making on national immunization programsTG Kimman, HJ Boot, GAM Berbers, PE Vermeer-de Bondt, GA de Wit, HE de Melker03/11/2006Tijdschriftartikel
Hormonal and reproductive factors are associated with chronic low back pain and chronic upper extremity pain in women-the MORGEN studyHA Wijnhoven, HC de Vet, HA Smit, HS Picavet03/11/2006Tijdschriftartikel
Reliability of biomarkers of iron status, blood lipids, oxidative stress, vitamin D, C-reactive protein and fructosamine in two Dutch cohortsWK Al-Delaimy, EH Jansen, PH Peeters, JD van der Laan, PA van Noord, HC Boshuizen, YT van der Schouw, M Jenab, P Ferrari, HB Bueno de Mesquita03/11/2006Tijdschriftartikel
WHO informal consultation on scientific basis for regulatory evaluation of candidate human vaccines from plants, Geneva, Switzerland, 24-25 January 2005JW van der Laan, P Minor, R Mahoney, C Arntzen, J Shin, D Wood03/11/2006Tijdschriftartikel
Discriminating between effects of metals and natural variables in terrestrial bacterial communitiesME Boivin, GD Greve, SAE Kools, AWG van der Wurff, P Leeflang, E Smit, AM Breure, M Rutgers, NM van Straalen03/11/2006Tijdschriftartikel