The mercapturic acid biotransformation pathway of hexachlorobenzene is not involved in the induction of splenomegaly, or skin and lung lesions in the Brown Norway ratC Michielsen, S Boeren, I Rietjens, F van Mil, J Vos, N Bloksma30/01/2001Tijdschriftartikel
A population-based longitudinal study on the incidence and disease burden of gastroenteritis and Campylobacter and Salmonella infection in four regions of The NetherlandsMAS de Wit, AMM Hoogenboom-Verdegaal, ESM Goosen, MJW Sprenger, MW Borgdorff18/01/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Glycyrrhizic acid: the assessment of a no effect levelCEM van Gelderen, JA Bijlsma, W van Dokkum, TJF Savelkoul18/01/2001Tijdschriftartikel
A preliminary evaluation of a new enzyme immunoassay to detect Chlamydia pneumoniae-specific antibodiesJM Ossewaarde, T Tuuminen, WG Boersma, M Sandstrom, P Palomaki, J Boman16/01/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Analysis of the dynamics of fungal communities in soil via fungal-specific PCR of soil DNA followed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresisJD van Elsas, G Frois Duarte, A Keijzer-Wolters, E Smit16/01/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Interleukin-10 is an unequivocal Th2 parameter in the rat, whereas interleukin-4 is NotRJ Vandebriel, C Meredith, MP Scott, M van Dijk, H van Loveren02/01/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Mechanisms of nongenotoxic carcinogenesis and assessment of the human hazardB Silva Lima, JW van der Laan02/01/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Effects of UV irradiation on skin and nonskin-associated herpes simplex virus infections in ratsJ Garssen, R van der Molen, A de Klerk, M Norval, H van Loveren02/01/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Estimating the prevalence of hypertension corrected for the effect of within-person variability in blood pressureOH Klungel, A de Boer, AHP Paes, NJD Nagelkerke, JC Seidell, A Bakker02/01/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Lifestyle risk factors for cancer: the relationship with psychosocial work environmentAJM van Loon, M Tijhuis, PG Surtees, J Ormel02/01/2001Tijdschriftartikel