Protection to challenge with Trichinella spiralis after primary oral infection in congenitally athymic (nude) miceA Perrudet-Badoux, Y Boussac-Aron, EJ Ruitenberg, W Kruizinga, A Elgersma31/12/1983Tijdschriftartikel
Protection by paracetamol against various gastric irritants in the ratAA van Kolfschoten, P Zandberg, LP Jager, J van Noordwijk31/12/1983Tijdschriftartikel
Prevalence of antibodies to Toxoplasma in farm animals in the Netherlands and its implication for meat inspectionF van Knapen, JH Franchimont, G van der Lugt31/12/1983Tijdschriftartikel
Preparation and physicochemical and immunological characterization of polysaccharide-outer membrane protein complexes of Neisseria meningitisEC Beuvery, F Miedema, RW van Delft, J Haverkamp, AB Leussink, BJ te Pas, KS Teppema, RH Tiesjema31/12/1983Tijdschriftartikel
Preparation and immunochemical characterization of meningococcal group C polysaccharide-tetanus toxoid conjugates as a new generation of vaccinsEC Beuvery, F Miedema, RW van Delft, J Haverkamp31/12/1983Tijdschriftartikel
Pre-column derivatization for the high-performance liquid chromatographic determination of nitrophenol and phenoxy carboxylic acid pesticidesH Roseboom, PA Greve31/12/1983Tijdschriftartikel
Physicochemical and immunological characterization of meningococcal group A polysaccharide-tetanus toxoid conjugates prepared by two methodsEC Beuvery, A van der Kaaden, V Kanhai, AB Leussink31/12/1983Tijdschriftartikel
Persistent infection of some standard cell lines by lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus: Transmission of infection by an intracellular agentBAM van der Zeijst, BE Noyes, ME Mirault, B Parker, ADME Osterhaus, EA Swyryd, N Bleumink, ME Horzinek, GR Stark31/12/1983Tijdschriftartikel