Standardization of measurements as a powerful tool for improving the exchange of information following a nuclear accidentJ Geleijns, AV Baerveldt, BFM Bosnjakovic, D van Lith31/12/1990Tijdschriftartikel
Specific targeting of immunoliposomes to ovarian carcinoma cells in vivo [Abstract]UK Nassander, H Poppe, G Storm, PA Steerenberg, WH de Jong, et al.31/12/1990Tijdschriftartikel
Soil-to-grass transfer of radionuclides: local variations and fluctuations as a function of timeJF Lembrechts, JF Stoutjesdijk, JH van Ginkel, H Noordijk31/12/1990Tijdschriftartikel
Sociaal epidemiologische aspecten van HIV/AIDS in Nederland 1982-1990. WerkdocumentEJ Ruitenberg, DP Reinking, MJ Postma, FMLG van den Boom, JC Jager31/12/1990Tijdschriftartikel
Short communication. Impairment of in vitro immune responses occurs within 3 months after HIV-1 seroconversionVJP Teeuwsen, KHJ Siebelink, F de Wolf, J Goudsmit, FGCM UytdeHaag, ADME Osterhaus31/12/1990Tijdschriftartikel
Severe lidocaine intoxication by cutaneous absorptionRL Lie, BJ Vermeer, PM Edelbroek31/12/1990Tijdschriftartikel
Serological and molecular studies of Epstein-Barr virus infection in allogeneic marrow graft recipientsJW Gratama, MAP Oosterveer, JMM Lepoutre, JG Kapsenberg31/12/1990Tijdschriftartikel
Serodiagnosis of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in children as measured by detection of RSV-specific immunoglobulins G, M and A with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assayMJM Meddens, P Herbrink, J Lindeman, WC van Dijk31/12/1990Tijdschriftartikel