On second-order effects in a galvanic cell. Part V. Demodulation of double side band suppressed carrier wave modulated alternating current: An instrumental studyJ Struijs, M Sluyters-Rehbach, JH Sluyters31/12/1983Tijdschriftartikel
On second-order effects in a galvanic cell. Part IV. A theory of demodulation polarographyJ Struijs, M Sluyters-Rehbach, JH Sluyters31/12/1983Tijdschriftartikel
Occurence of Yersinia enterocolitica in poultry productsE de Boer, BJ Hartog, J Oosterom31/12/1983Tijdschriftartikel
Nachweis von Staphylokokkus-Enterotoxinen in Lebensmitteln mittels ELISA-TestS Notermans31/12/1983Tijdschriftartikel
N-nitrosamine investigations in the Netherlands: highlights from the last ten yearsG Ellen, PL Schuller31/12/1983Tijdschriftartikel
Modifying Growth: an Example of Possibilities and LimitationsPLM Berende, EJ Ruitenberg31/12/1983Tijdschriftartikel
Modified ELISA technique for the titrations of antibodies to polioviruses as an alternative to a virus neutralizationtestAM Hagenaars, RW van Delft, J Nagel, G van Steenis, AL van Wezel31/12/1983Tijdschriftartikel
Models for the accumulation and migration of Sr-30, Cs-137, Pu-239,240 and Am-241 in the upper layer of soil in ecological aspects of radionuclide releaseMJ Frissel, RMJ Pennders31/12/1983Tijdschriftartikel