Thoron exposure in Dutch dwellings - An overviewG de With, RCGM Smetsers, H Slaper, P de Jong15/01/2018Tijdschriftartikel
Neglected vector-borne zoonoses in Europe: into the wildL Tomassone, E Berriatua, R de Sousa, GG Duscher, AD Mihalca, C Silaghi, H Sprong, A Zintl19/02/2018Tijdschriftartikel
Construction and evaluation of Bordetella pertussis live attenuated vaccine strain BPZE1 producing Fim3AS Debrie, L Coutte, D Raze, F Mooi, F Alexander, A Gorringe, N Mielcarek, C Locht19/02/2018Tijdschriftartikel
Donor-derived tuberculosis via orthotopic liver transplantationBN Ruijter, AKS van Wijngaarden, B van Hoek, M Mensen, D van Soolingen, SM Arend22/02/2018Tijdschriftartikel
STIs in sex partners notified for chlamydia exposure: implications for expedited partner therapy.F van Aar, BHB van Benthem, IVF van den Broek, HM Götz2018-01-15Tijdschriftartikel
Challenges in characterizing the environmental fate and effects of carbon nanotubes and inorganic nanomaterials in aquatic systems.P Laux, C Riebeling, AM Booth, JD Brain, J Brunner, C Cerrillo, O Creutzebberg, I Estrela-Lopis, AJAM Sips,
What is the optimal time to retest patients with a urogenital chlamydia infection? a randomized controlled trial.van der Helm JJ, RH Koekenbier, MS van Rooijen, MF Schim van der Loeff, HJC de Vries2018-02-06Tijdschriftartikel
Mechanisms of bacterial resistance to antimicrobial agentsE van Duijkeren, AK Schink, MC Roberts, Y Wang, S Schwarz15/01/2018Tijdschriftartikel
Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies five new susceptibility loci for pancreatic cancer.AP Klein, BM Wolpin, HA Risch, RZ Stolzenberg-Solomon, E Mocci, M Zhang, F Canzian, EJ Childs, JW Hoskins, A Jermusyk, J Zhong, F Chen, HB Bueno de Mesquita,
Response to: 'Statins in systemic lupus erythematosus' by Abud-Mendoza.HJI de Jong, TP van Staa, JW Cohen Tervaert29-01-2018Tijdschriftartikel