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Estimating the critical phosphorus loading of shallow lakes with the ecosystem model PCLake: sensitivity, calibration and uncertaintyJH Janse, M Scheffer, L Lijklema, L van Liere, JS Sloot, WM Mooij02/04/2010Tijdschriftartikel
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Rodenticide anticoagulans-intoxicatie bij honden in NederlandJH Robben, HCA Mout, EAP Kuijpers18/09/1997Tijdschriftartikel
Relationship between allergic manifestations and Toxocara seropositivity: a cross-sectional study among elementary school childrenJ Buijs, G Borsboom, M Renting, et al.18/09/1997Tijdschriftartikel
Quantification of cell-associated and free antigens in Bordetella pertussis suspension by antigen binding ELISAJ Westdijk, J van de IJssel, M Thalen, C Beuvery, W Jiskoot23/09/1997Tijdschriftartikel