Environmental equity in the vicinity of Amsterdam Airport: the interplay between market forces and government policyH Kruize, PPJ Driessen, P Glasbergen, K van Egmond, T Dassen14/02/2008Tijdschriftartikel
Environmental assessment for human medicines in the European UnionP Spindler, M Montforts, K Olejniczak, J Koschorreck, JM Vidal, AK Johan19/02/2008Tijdschriftartikel
Enhanced severity of virus associated lower respiratory tract disease in asthma patients may not be associated with delayed viral clearance and increased viral load in the upper respiratory tractLJR van Elden, APE Sachs, AM van Loon, M Haarman, DA van de Vijver, TG Kimman, P Zuithoff, PJ Schipper, TJM Verheij, M Nijhuis21/02/2008Tijdschriftartikel
Dutch women's decision-making in pregnancy and labour as seen through the eyes of their midwivesLA van der Hulst, ER van Teijlingen, GJ Bonsel, M Eskes, E Birnie, OP Bleker19/02/2008Tijdschriftartikel
Doctor performance assessment in daily practice: does it help doctors or not? A systematic reviewK Overeem, MJ Faber, OA Arah, G Elwyn, KMJMH Lombarts, HC Wollersheim, RPTM Grol14/02/2008Tijdschriftartikel
DIA/HESI/SAPS conference on environmental risk assessment of human medicines (Stockholm, May 22-23, 2006) [Guest editorial]M Montforts, P Spindler, D Taylor, RT Williams19/02/2008Tijdschriftartikel
Consumer food preparation and its implication for survival of Campylobacter jejuni on chickenNJ Bergsma, ARH Fischer, ED van Asselt, MH Zwietering, AEI de Jong21/02/2008Tijdschriftartikel
Comparisons and validation of sciamachy O3 and NO2 profiles from OL3.0 and IUP/IFE retrieval with ACE-FTS, GOMOS; HALOE, MIPAS, POAM III and SAGE IIA Bracher, L Amekudzi, K Bramstedt, KU Eichmann, A Rozanov, C von Savigny, J Steinwagner, JP Burrows, Y Meijer07/02/2008Tijdschriftartikel
Bilateral information and data exchange in case of nuclear emergencies in the German-Dutch border regionCJW Twenhofel, HC Salfeld, K Hable, HAJM Reinen19/02/2008Tijdschriftartikel
Bacille-Calmette-Guerin vaccination and the development of allergic disease in children: a randomized, prospective, single-blind studyTJ Steenhuis, WMC van Aalderen, N Bloksma, FP Nijkamp, J van der Laag, H van Loveren, GT Rijkers, MO Hoekstra07/02/2008Tijdschriftartikel