Quality in and equality of access to healthcare servicesM Huber, A Stanciole, K Wahlbeck, N Tamsma, F Torres, E Jelfs, J Bremner21/03/2009Tijdschriftartikel
Periodic flooding restrains local succession of microphytobenthos in floodplain lakesE van der Grinten, W Admiraal, MHS Kraak19/03/2009Tijdschriftartikel
Optimization of mobile radioactivity monitoring networksGBM Heuvelink, Z Jiang, S de Bruin, CJW Twenhofel24/03/2009Tijdschriftartikel
NVVM-richtlijn voor screening en confirmatie van extended-spectrum betalactamases in EnterobacteriaceaeN Naiemi, J Cohen, MA Leverstein-van Hall30/03/2009Tijdschriftartikel
NethMap 2008. Consumption of antimicrobial agents and antimicrobial resistance among medically important bacteria in the NetherlandsJE Degener, AJ de Neeling30/03/2009Tijdschriftartikel
Exploring the risk information gap. Research into information supply and information demand of different parties concernedJ Koehler, L Dreijerink, R van Poll23/03/2009Tijdschriftartikel
Ecological effects of diffuse pollutionAM Breure, HJP Eijsackers, M Groot20/03/2009Tijdschriftartikel
Development of (Q)SARs for dermal irritation and corrosion assessment using EU New Chemicals notification dataI Gerner, E Hulzebos, E Rorije, M Herzler, M Liebsch, JD Walker, H Spielmann02/03/2009Tijdschriftartikel
Biowaiver monographs for immediate release solid oral dosage forms: RifampicineC Becker, JB Dressman, HE Junginger, S Kopp, KK Midha, VP Shah, S Stavchansky, DM Barends24/03/2009Tijdschriftartikel