Progression of cerebral white matter hyperintensities on MRI is related to diastolic blood pressureJH Veldink, P Scheltens, C Jonker, LJ Launer24/09/1998Tijdschriftartikel
On-line solid phase extraction-gas chromatography-cryotrapping-infrared spectrometry for the trace-level determination of microcontaminants in aqueous samplesT Hankemeier, E Hooijschuur, RJJ Vreuls, T Visser24/09/1998Tijdschriftartikel
Occupational risk of HIV infection among Western health care professionals posted in AIDS endemic areasR de Graaf, H Houweling, G van Zessen24/09/1998Tijdschriftartikel
Multicenter evaluation of the amplicor enterovirus PCR test with cerebrospinal fluid from patients with aseptic meningitisKE van Vliet, M Glimaker, P Lebon, HGAM van der Avoort, et al.23/09/1998Tijdschriftartikel
Monitoring of Chlamydia trachomatis infections after antibiotic treatment using RNA detection by nucleic acid sequence based amplificationSA Morre, PTG Sillekens, MV Jacobs, JM Ossewaarde, et al.24/09/1998Tijdschriftartikel
Magic, safe and smart model applications at integrated monitoring sites: effects of emission reduction scenariosM Forsius, M Alveteg, A Jenkins, M Posch, et al.24/09/1998Tijdschriftartikel
In vivo cardiovascular reactivity and baroreflex activity in diabetic ratsT van Buren, CM Kasbergen, WH Gispen, DJ de Wildt10/09/1998Tijdschriftartikel
Identification of isomeric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in pyrolysates from ethynylated PAH by gas chromatography-Fourier infrared spectroscopy. Their relevance for the understanding of PAH rearrangement and interconversion processes during combT Visser, M Sarobe, LW Jenneskens, JW Wesseling10/09/1998Tijdschriftartikel
Identification of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato species in EuropeI Saint Girons, L Gern, JS Gray, SGT Rijpkema, et al.10/09/1998Tijdschriftartikel