Model studies on a membrane filtration method for the enumeration of coagulase-positive staphylococci in swimming-pool water using rabbit plasma - bovine fibrinogen agarAH Havelaar, M During15/06/1985Tijdschriftartikel
Interference of lysozyme in the sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)AWG Essink, GJMW Arkesteijn, S Notermans15/06/1985Tijdschriftartikel
Fast high-performance liquid chromatographic screening method for the presence of trenbolone and its major metabolit in urine of slaughter cattleEHJM Jansen, PW Zoontjes, H van Blitterswijk, R Both-Miedema, RW Stephany30/06/1985Tijdschriftartikel
A specific radioimmunoassay for the detection of 19-nortestosterone in urineEHJM Jansen, RH van den Berg, G Zomer, RW Stephany30/06/1985Tijdschriftartikel
Two outbreaks of salmonellosis caused by Salmonella indiana. A survey of the European Summit outbreak and its consequencesHJ Beckers, MSM Daniels-Bosman, A Ament, J Daenen, AWJ Hanekamp, P Knipschild, AHH Schuurmann, H Bijkerk15/07/1985Tijdschriftartikel
Relationship between auxotype, plasmid pattern and susceptibility to antibiotics in penicillinas-producing Neisseria gonorrhoeaeB van Klingeren, MC Ansink-Schipper, M Dessens-Kroon, M Verheuvel01/07/1985Tijdschriftartikel
Organotin compounds and international treaties on the pollution of water by dangerous substances: black or grey list substances?H Vrijhof23/07/1985Tijdschriftartikel
Induction of protective immune response in cats by vaccination with feline leukemia virus iscomADME Osterhaus, K Weijer, AGCM UytdeHaag, O Jarrett, B Sundquist, B Morein01/07/1985Tijdschriftartikel
Hydrology of bank groundwater withdrawals in The NetherlandsCR Meinardi, G Grakist31/07/1985Tijdschriftartikel