Identification of source and sink populations for the emergence and global spread of the East-Asia clone of community-associated MRSAMJ Ward, M Goncheva, E Richardson, PR McAdam, E Raftis, A Kearns, RS Daum, MZ David, X Huijsdens, et al.01/08/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Impact of early-onset acute otitis media on multiple recurrences and associated health care useML de Hoog, AC Fortanier, HA Smit, CP Uiterwaal, CK van der Ent, P Bruijning-Verhagen15/08/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Impact of heterogeneity in sexual behavior on effectiveness in reducing HIV transmission with test-and-treat strategyG Rozhnova, MF Schim van der Loeff, JCM Heijne, ME Kretzschmar09/08/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Infectiepreventie bij zuigelingen door maternale vaccinatieNAT van der Maas, K van Aerde, LJ Bont, MN Bekker, N Rots, HE de Melker15/08/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Internal and external validation of a computer-assisted surveillance system for hospital-acquired infections in a 754-bed general hospital in the NetherlandsHRA Streefkerk, IO Lede, JLV Eriksson, MG Meijling, CP van der Hoeven, JC Wille, et al.08/08/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Introduction of the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in an isolated pneumococcal vaccine-naïve indigenous populationLM Verhagen, IA Rivera-Olivero, M Hermsen, MC Sisco, M Maes, B del Nogal, D Bogaert, GA Berbers, PW Hermans, MI de Jonge, JH de Waard22/08/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Klokwerk + study protocol: An observational study to the effects of night-shift work on body weight and infection susceptibility and the mechanisms underlying these health effectsB Loef, D van Baarle, AJ van der Beek, LW van Kerkhof, D van de Langenberg, KI Proper09/08/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Maternal exposure to diluted diesel engine exhaust alters placental function and induces intergenerational effects in rabbitsSA Valentino, A Tarrade, J Aioun, E Mourier, C Richard, M Dahirel, D Rousseau-Ralliard, PH Fokkens, FR Cassee, et al.01/08/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Meningococcal outer membrane vesicle composition-dependent activation of the innate immune responseA Zariri, J Beskers, B van de Waterbeemd, HJ Hamstra, THE Bindels, E van Riet, JPM van Putten, P van der Ley09/08/2016Tijdschriftartikel