A combination of interferon-gamma and interleukin-2 production by Coxiella burnetii-stimulated circulating cells discriminates between chronic Q fever and past Q feverT Schoffelen, T Sprong, CP Bleeker-Rovers, MCA Wegdam-Blans, A Ammerdorffer, MJH Pronk, YEP Soethoudt, MEE van Kasteren, T Herremans, HA Bijlmer, MG Netea, JWM van der Meer, LAB Joosten, M van Deuren18/08/2014Tijdschriftartikel
A framework for deciding on the inclusion of emerging impacts in life cycle impact assessmentS Cucurachi, R Heijungs, WJGM Peijnenburg, JFB Bolte, GR de Snoo07/08/2014Tijdschriftartikel
A mass-balance study on chloride fluxes in a large central European catchment during 1900-2010J Kopacek, J Hejzlar, P Porcal, M Posch18/08/2014Tijdschriftartikel
A methamphetamine analog (N,alpha-diethyl-phenylethylamine) identified in a mainstream dietary supplementPA Cohen, JC Travis, BJ Venhuis06/08/2014Tijdschriftartikel
A posteriori dietary patterns: How many patterns to retain?HP Fransen, AM May, MD Stricker, JMA Boer, C Hennig, Y Rosseel, MC Ocke, PHM Peeters, JWJ Beulens06/08/2014Tijdschriftartikel
Acceptance of vaccinations in pandemic outbreaks: A discrete choice experimentD Determann, IJ Kortfage, MS Lambooij, M Bliemer, JH Richardus, EW Steyerberg, EW de Bekker-Grob07/08/2014Tijdschriftartikel
Afname van foetale en neonatale sterfte in Nederland. Vergelijking met andere EURO-PEROSTAT-Landen in 2004 en 2010AD Mohangoo, CWPM Hukkelhoven, PW Achterberg, PM Elferink-Stinkens, ACJ Ravelli, GC Rijninks-van Driel, P Tamminga, AJM Waelput, KM van der Pal-de Bruin, JH Nijhuis07/08/2014Tijdschriftartikel
An integrative risk assessment approach for persistent chemicals: A case study on dioxins, furans and dioxin-like PCBs in FranceC Béchaux, M Zeilmaker, M Merlo, B Bokkers, A Crépet07/08/2014Tijdschriftartikel
Benchmark dose and the three Rs. Part I. Getting more information from the same number of animalsW Slob18/08/2014Tijdschriftartikel
Benchmark dose and the three Rs. Part II. Consequences for study design and animal useW Slob18/08/2014Tijdschriftartikel