Untersuchungen zur Kontamination von Spielkastensanden mit Eieren von FleischfreserascaridenG Kohler, R Jorren, F van Knapen31/12/1980Tijdschriftartikel
Trichinella spiralis infection in animals genetically selected for high and low antibody productionEJ Ruitenberg, A Perrudet-Badoux, Y Boussac-Aron, A Elgersma31/12/1980Tijdschriftartikel
Tranferability of macrolide, lincomycin and streptogramin resistances between group A, B and D streptococci, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureusHWB Engel, N Soedirman, JA Rost, WJ van Leeuwen, JDA van Embden31/12/1980Tijdschriftartikel
Thymus atrophy during early pregnancy and its effect on a Trichinella spiralis infection in mice, including intestinal pathology and blood eosinophiliaEJ Ruitenberg, J Buys31/12/1980Tijdschriftartikel
Thermotolerante klebsiella in afvalwater van papier en suikerfabriekenAH Havelaar, PD Tips31/12/1980Tijdschriftartikel
Theoretical and practical considerations in the application of killed poliovirus vaccine for the control of paralytic poliomyelitisJ Salk, AL van Wezel, P Stoeckel, G van Steenis, M Schlumberger, M Meyran, JL Rey, K Lapileimu, M Bottiger, H Cohen31/12/1980Tijdschriftartikel