Comparison of diets of diabetic and non-diabetic elderly men in Finland, The Netherlands and ItalySM Virtanen, EJM Feskens, L Rasanen, F Fidanza, J Tuomilehto, S Giampaoli, A Nissinen, D Kromhout15/06/2000Tijdschriftartikel
Binding of murine antibodies against whole-cell pertussis vaccine of filamentous haemagglutinin by Bordetella pertussis from patients with whooping coughBM van den Berg, H Beekhuizen, R van Furth, FR Mooi19/06/2000Tijdschriftartikel
Balancing the risks and benefits of drinking water disinfection: disability adjusted life-years on the scaleAH Havelaar, AEM de Hollander, PFM Teunis, EG Evers, HJ van Kranen, JFM Versteegh, JEM van Koten, W Slob19/06/2000Tijdschriftartikel
Are the enzyme immunoassays for antibodies to pneumococcal capsular polysaccharides serotype specific?A Soininen, G van den Dobbelsteen, L Oomen, H Kayhty26/06/2000Tijdschriftartikel
An operating surveillance system of surgical-site infections in the Netherlands: results of the PREZIES national surveillance networkELPE Geubbels, AJ Mintjes-de Groot, JMJ van den Berg, AS de Boer22/06/2000Tijdschriftartikel
A single naturally processed measles virus peptide fully dominates the HLA-A*0201-associated peptide display and is mutated at its anchor position in persistent viral strainsCACM van Els, CA Herberts, E van der Heeft, MCM Poelen, JAM van Gaans-van den Brink, A van der Kooi, P Hoogerhout, GJ ten Hove, HD Meiring, APJM de Jong26/06/2000Tijdschriftartikel
A quantitative method for assessing the sensitizing potency of low molecular weight chemicals using a local lymph node assay: employment of a regression method that includes determination of the uncertainty marginsFMM van Och, W Slob, WH de Jong, RJ Vandebriel, H van Loveren22/06/2000Tijdschriftartikel
A microsatellite marker reveals population heterogeneity within human and animal genotypes of Cryptosporidium parvumS Caccio, W Homan, R Camilli, G Traldi, T Kortbeek, E Pozio19/06/2000Tijdschriftartikel
Genetic variation and evolutionary origin of the direct repeat locus of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex bacteriaJDA van Embden, T van Gorkom, K Kremer, R Jansen, BAM van der Zeijst, LM Schouls26/02/2000Tijdschriftartikel
A population-based study of tetanus antitoxin levels in the NetherlandsHE de Melker, S van den Hof, GAM Berbers, NJD Nagelkerke, HC Rumke, MAE Conyn-van Spaendonck27/01/2000Tijdschriftartikel