Health economics of a hexavalent meningococcal outer-membrane vesicle vaccine in children: potential impact of introduction in the Dutch vaccination programJM Bos, HC Rumke, R Welte, MJ Postma, JC Jager06/12/2001Tijdschriftartikel
A single dose of an ISCOM influenza vaccine induces long-lasting protective immunity against homologous challenge infection but fails to protect Cynomolgus macaques against distant drift variants of influenza A (H3N2) virusesGF Rimmelzwaan, M Baars, G van Amerongen, R van Beek, ADME Osterhaus06/12/2001Tijdschriftartikel
In vitro processing and presentation of a lipidated cytotoxic T-cell epitope derived from measles virus fusion proteinKJ Stittelaar, P Hoogerhout, W Ovaa, RS van Binnendijk, MCM Poelen, P Roholl, CACM van Els, ADME Osterhaus, EJHJ Wiertz06/12/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Development of reference materials for paralytic shellfish poisoning toxinsHP van Egmond, A Mourino, PA Burdaspal, A Boenke06/12/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Respiratory infections in infants: interaction of parental allergy, child care, and siblings. The PIAMA studyLP Koopman, HA Smit, MLA Heijnen, A Wijga, RT Strien, M Kerkhof, J Gerritsen, B Brunekreef, JC de Jongste, HJ Neijens06/12/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Seventy percent of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates in Hong Kong represent the Beijing genotypeMY Chan, M Borgdorff, CW Yip, PEW de Haas, WS Wong, KM Kam, D van Soolingen03/12/2001Tijdschriftartikel
A model based evaluation of the 1996-7 pertussis epidemic in the NetherlandsM van Boven, HE de Melker, JFP Schellekens, M Kretzschmar03/12/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Long-term cannulation of the vena cava of rats for blood sampling: local and systemic effects observed by histopathology after six weeks of cannulationWH de Jong, A Timmerman, MTM van Raaij09/10/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Dealing with variation in molecular typing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: low-intensity bands and other challengesD van Soolingen, RD Arbeit09/10/2001Tijdschriftartikel
A comparative study of toxocariasis and allergic asthma in murine modelsE Pinelli, J Dormans, M Fonville, J van der Giessen04/10/2001Tijdschriftartikel