Prevention of meningococcal serogroup B infections in children: a protein-based vaccine induces immunologic memoryED de Kleijn, R de Groot, AB Lafeber, J Labadie, CJP van Limpt, J Visser, GAM Berbers, L van Alphen, HC Rumke24/09/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Modelling infectious diseases and other health consequences: predicting future morbidity consequences and spread of HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis CM Kretzschmar11/10/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Antigenic and molecular heterogeneity in recent swine influenza A(H1N1) virus isolates with possible implications for vaccination policyJC de Jong, PP Heinen, WLA Loeffen, AP van Nieuwstadt, ECJ Claas, TM Bestebroer, K Bijlsma, C Verweij, ADME Osterhaus, GF Rimmelzwaan, RAM Fouchier, TG Kimman24/09/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Lipid-coated polyplexes for targeted gene delivery to ovarian carcinoma cellsE Mastrobattista, RHG Kapel, MH Eggenhuisen, PJM Roholl, DJA Crommelin, WE Hennink, G Storm06/09/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Enhanced antigen-specific delayed-type hypersensitivity and immunoglobulin G2b responses after oral administration of viable Lactobacillus casei YIT9029 in Wistar and Brown Norway ratsR de Waard, J Garssen, J Snel, GCAM Bokken, T Sako, JHJ Huis in 't Veld, JG Vos06/09/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Risks of fracture of Bjork-Shiley 60 degree convexo-concave prosthetic heart valves: long-term cohort follow up in the UK, Netherlands and USAWJ Blot, RZ Omar, M Kallewaard, LS Morton, JP Fryzek, MA Ibrahim, D Acheson, KM Taylor, Y van der Graaf06/09/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Differential ultraviolet-B-induced immunomodulation in XPA, XPC, and CSB DNA repair-deficient miceA Boonstra, A van Oudenaren, M Baert, H van Steeg, PJM Leenen, GTJ van, JHJ Hoeijmakers, HFJ Savelkoul, J Garssen06/09/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Diet and risk of Type II diabetes: the role of types of fat and carbohydrateFB Hu, RM van Dam, S Liu06/09/2001Tijdschriftartikel
Optimisation of the ISO-method on enumeration of somatic coliphages (draft ISO 10705-2)KA Mooijman, M Bahar, N Contreras, AH Havelaar06/09/2001Tijdschriftartikel
The adventitia of atherosclerotic coronary arteries frequently contains Chlamydia pneumoniaeA Vink, G Pasterkamp, M Poppen, AH Schoneveld, DPV de Kleijn, PJM Roholl, J Fontijn, S Plomp, C Borst06/09/2001Tijdschriftartikel