Automated noise modelling using a triangulated terrain modelN Hobeika, L van Rijssel, M Prusti, C Dinklo, A Kok, R van Loon, et al.03-01-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Safe-and-sustainable-by-design: State of the art approaches and lessons learned from value chain perspectivesC Apel, A Sudheshwar, B Nowack, C Som, C Colin, LG Soeteman-Hernández02-01-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Graph-based spatial segmentation of areal dataV Goepp, J van de Kassteele02-01-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Heterogeneous associations of gut microbiota with Crohn's disease activityS Pinto, E Benincà, G Galazzo, D Jonkers, J Penders, JA Bogaards29-12-2023Tijdschriftartikel
Potential for emergence of Japanese encephalitis in the European UnionCM Gossner, S Dhollander, LD Presser, O Briet, T Bakonyi, F Schaffner, et al.29-12-2023Tijdschriftartikel
The UN Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP) - An ocean science-policy interface standing the test of timeWM Watson-Wright, PG Wells, RA Duce, KV Gilardi, JBHJ Linders, RJ Luit, et al.29-12-2023Tijdschriftartikel
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Horizontal gene transfer of a cfiA element between two different Bacteroides species within a clinical specimenACM Veloo, KE Boiten, APA Hendrickx, J van Prehn, JWA Rossen29-12-2023Tijdschriftartikel
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