Exploring transmission dynamics of the Sarcoptes scabiei mite in humans by combining molecular typing and epidemiological variables, the Netherlands 2016-2023M Vink, H Coppoolse, A Bergmans, M Wennekes, S Pas, M Braks, et al.18-10-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Standardised reporting of burden of disease studies: the STROBOD statementB Devleesschauwer, P Charalampous, V Gorasso, R Assunção, H Hilderink, J Idavain, et al.18-10-2024Tijdschriftartikel
The Impact of unrelated future medical costs on economic evaluation outcomes for different models of diabetesT Zhao, M Tew, T Feenstra, P van Baal, M Willis, WJ Valentine, et al.18-10-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Prediction of individual lifetime cardiovascular risk and potential treatment benefit: development and recalibration of the LIFE-CVD2 model to four European risk regionsSHJ Hageman, S Kaptoge, TI de Vries, W Lu, JM Kist, WMM Verschuren, et al.18-10-2024Tijdschriftartikel
The mediating role of health behaviors in the association between depression, anxiety and cancer incidence: an individual participant data meta-analysisKY Pan, L van Tuijl, M Basten, JJM Rijnhart, A de Graeff, S Picavet, et al.18-10-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Measuring the impact of influenza vaccination in the Netherlands using retrospective observational primary care, hospitalisation and mortality dataMJ Heins, P Spreeuwenberg, S Caini, M Hooiveld, A Meijer, J Paget18-10-2024Tijdschriftartikel
A vegan dietary pattern is associated with high prevalence of inadequate protein intake in older adults; a simulation studyJW Borkent, P Grootswagers, J Linschooten, AJC Roodenburg, M Ocké, MAE de van der Schueren18-10-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Seropositivity to tick-borne pathogens in nature management workers in the NetherlandsBJA Hoeve-Bakker, G Çelik, OE van den Berg, CC van den Wijngaard, A Hofhuis, JHJ Reimerink, SFT Thijsen, K Kerkhof18-10-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Utilization of human stem cells to examine neurotoxic impacts on differentiationVC de Leeuw, EVS Hessel18-10-2024Tijdschriftartikel
Expanded PAH analysis of household air pollution in a rural region of China with high lung cancer incidenceY Zhang, K Meliefste, W Hu, L Portengen, N Rothman, FR Cassee, et al.18-10-2024Tijdschriftartikel