Biowaiver monographs for immediate release solid oral dosage forms: isoniazidC Becker, JB Dressman, GL Amidon, HE Junginger, S Kopp, KK Midha, VP Shah, S Stavchansky, DM Barends20/04/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Radiographic hip disorders and associated complications in severe cerebral palsyEJ Boldingh, MA Jacobs-van der Bruggen, CF Bos, GJ Lankhorst, LM Bouter20/04/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Highly efficient and carcinoma-specific adenoviral replication restricted by the EGP-2 promoterWM Gommans, PMJ McLaughlin, JAC Schalk, GMM Groothuis, HJ Haisma, MG Rots17/04/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Smoking as a risk factor for mental health disturbances after a disaster: a prospective comparative studyPG van der Velden, L Grievink, M Olff, BP Gersons, RJ Kleber17/04/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Ozone induces clear cellular and molecular responses in the mouse lung independently of the transcription-coupled repair statusIM Kooter, JL Pennings, PH Fokkens, DL Leseman, AJ Boere, ME Gerlofs-Nijland, FR Cassee, JA Schalk, TJ Orzechowski, MM Schaap, TM Breit, JA Dormans, CT van Oostrom, A de Vries, H van Steeg17/04/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Cryptosporidium and Giardia in commercial and non-commercial oysters (Crassostrea gigas) and water from the Oosterschelde, The NetherlandsFM Schets, HHJL van den Berg, GB Engels, WJ Lodder, AM de Roda-Husman17/04/2007Tijdschriftartikel
Unrelated medical care in life years gained and the cost utility of primary prevention: in search of a 'perfect' cost-utility ratioPHM van Baal, TL Feenstra, RT Hoogenveen, GA de Wit, WBF Brouwer17/04/2007Tijdschriftartikel
An efficient and rapid method for recovery of norovirus from food associated with outbreaks of gastroenteritisILA Boxman, JJH Tilburg, NAJM te Loeke, H Vennema, E de Boer, M Koopmans17/04/2007Tijdschriftartikel