Age-specific long-term course of IgG antibodies to pertussis toxin after symptomatic infection with Bordetella pertussisFGA Versteegh, PLJM Mertens, HE de Melker, JJ Roord, JFP Schellekens, PFM Teunis20/10/2005Tijdschriftartikel
Age at menarche in relation to adult height: the EPIC studyNC Onland-Moret, PHM Peeters, CH van Gils, HB Bueno de Mesquita, et al.18/10/2005Tijdschriftartikel
Adipose gene expression patterns of weight gain suggest counteracting steroid hormone synthesisEM van Schothorst, N Franssen-van Hal, MM Schaap, J Pennings, B Hoebee, J Keijer18/10/2005Tijdschriftartikel
Acid resistance variability among isolates of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium DT104PA Berk, R de Jonge, MH Zwietering, T Abee, J Kieboom20/10/2005Tijdschriftartikel
Abatement costs of post-Kyoto climate regimesM den Elzen, P Lucas, D van Vuuren20/10/2005Tijdschriftartikel
A structured expert judgment study for a model of Campylobacter transmission during broiler-chicken processingHJ van der Fels-Klerx, RM Cooke, MN Nauta, LH Goossens, AH Havelaar31/10/2005Tijdschriftartikel
A reconsideration of the Campylobacter dose-response relationP Teunis, W van den Brandhof, M Nauta, J Wagenaar, H van den Kerkhof, W van Pelt20/10/2005Tijdschriftartikel
A poultry-processing model for quantitative microbiological risk assessmentM Nauta, I van der Fels-Klerx, A Havelaar31/10/2005Tijdschriftartikel
A cross-national perspective on cost of illness: a comparison of studies from The Netherlands, Australia, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, and SwedenJJ Polder, WJ Meerding, L Bonneux, PJ van der Maas31/10/2005Tijdschriftartikel
A comparison of global spatial distributions of nitrogen inputs for nonpoint sources and effects on river nitrogen exportG van Drecht, AF Bouwman, EW Boyer, P Green, S Siebert12/10/2005Tijdschriftartikel