Hexachlorbenzene-induced immunopathology in Brown Norway rats is partly mediated by T cellsJ Ezendam, I Hassing, R Bleumink, JG Vos, R Pieters16/04/2004Tijdschriftartikel
Factors of physical environment associated with walking and bicyclingGC Wendel-Vos, AJ Schuit, R de Niet, HC Boshuizen, WH Saris, D Kromhout16/04/2004Tijdschriftartikel
Evaluation of the Xpa-deficient transgenic mouse model for short-term carcinogenecity testing: 9-month studies with haloperidol, reserpine, phenacetin, and D-mannitolBAR Lina, RA Woutersen, JP Bruijntjes, J van Benthem, JAH van den Berg, J Monbaliu, BJJM Thooleen, RB Beems, CF van Kreijl16/04/2004Tijdschriftartikel
Estimation of the number of infectious measles viruses in live virus vaccines using quantitative real-time PCRJAC Schalk, C van den Elzen, H Ovelgoenne, C Baas, PMJM Jongen16/04/2004Tijdschriftartikel
Environmental effects of manure policy options in the NetherlandsO Oenema, L van Liere, S Plette, T Prins, H Zeijts, O Schoumans29/04/2004Tijdschriftartikel
Economic and environmental effects of the manure policy in the Netherlands: synthesis of integrated ex-post and ex-ante evaluationH Westhoek, R van den Berg, W de Hoop, A van der Kamp16/04/2004Tijdschriftartikel
Does managed care make a difference? Physicians' length of stay decisions under managed and non-managed careJD de Jong, GP Westert, CM Noetscher, PP Groenewegen16/04/2004Tijdschriftartikel
Doelmatigheid van tetanusimmunoglobuline bij een verwonding: toediening vaak onnodigHE de Melker, EW Steyerberg16/04/2004Tijdschriftartikel
Comparison of PCR with the routine procedure for diagnosis of tuberculosis in a population with high prevalence of tuberculosis and human immunodeficiency virusL Kivihya-Ndugga, M van Cleeff, E Juma, J Kimwomi, W Githui, L Oskam, A Schuitema, D van Soolingen, L Nganga, D Kibuga, J Odhiambo, P Klatser29/04/2004Tijdschriftartikel
Coeliac disease in the NetherlandsJJ Schweizer, BME von Blomberg, HB Bueno de Mesquita, ML Mearin29/04/2004Tijdschriftartikel