Dromedaris en 'Middle East respiratory syndrome'CBEM Reusken, BL Haagmans, MPG Koopmans16/03/2015Tijdschriftartikel
Disclosure of selective advantages in the "modern" sublineage of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing genotype family by quantitative proteomicsJ de Keijzer, PE de Haas, AH de Ru, PA van Veelen, D van Soolingen19/03/2015Tijdschriftartikel
Differences in weight loss across different BMI classes:A meta-analysis of the effects of interventions with diet and exerciseJCM Barte, J Veldwijk, PJ Teixeira, FM Sacks, WJE Bemelmans20/03/2015Tijdschriftartikel
Dietary B vitamin and methionine intake and MTHFR C677T genotype on risk of colorectal tumors in Lynch syndrome: the GEOLynch cohort studyAY Jung, FJB van Duijnhoven, FM Nagengast, A Botma, RC Heine-Bröring, JH Kleibeuker, HFA Vasen, JL Harryvan, RM Winkels, E Kampman20/03/2015Tijdschriftartikel
Diabetes mellitus and risk of prostate cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and NutritionKK Tsilidis, NE Allen, PN Appleby, S Rohrmann, U Nöthlings, L Arriola, MJ Gunter, V Chajes, S Rinaldi, I Romieu, HB Bueno de Mesquita, et al.20/03/2015Tijdschriftartikel
Developing requirements for a mobile app to support citizens in dealing with ticks and tick bites via end-user profilingL van Velsen, DJ Beaujean, J Wentzel, J van Steenbergen, JE Gemert-van Pijnen20/03/2015Tijdschriftartikel
Developing a foundation for eco-epidemiological assessment of aquatic ecological status over large geographic regions utilizing existing data resources and modelsKE Kapo, CM Holmes, SD Dyer, D de Zwart, L Posthuma17/03/2015Tijdschriftartikel
Definition and applications of a versatile chemical pollution footprint methodologyMC Zijp, L Posthuma, D van de Meent17/03/2015Tijdschriftartikel
Daphnid life cycle responses to the insecticide chlorantraniliprole and its transformation productsV Lavtizar, R Helmus, SAE Kools, D Dolenc, CAM van Gestel, P Trebse, SL Waaijers, MHS Kraak26/03/2015Tijdschriftartikel