Self-monitoring of blood glucose in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who are not using insulinUL Malanda, LMC Welschen, II Riphagen, JM Dekker, G Nijpels, SDM Bot22/01/2013Tijdschriftartikel
Improving the credibility of electronic health technologiesJEWC van Gemert-Pijnen, S Wynschalk, HD Cowey, HC Ossebaard23/01/2013Tijdschriftartikel
The influence of sex, gestational age, birth weight, blood transfusion, and timing of the heel prick on the pancreatitis-associated protein concentration in newborn screening for cystic fibrosisAMM Vernooij-van langen, JG Loeber, B Elvers, RH Triepels, J Roefs, JJ Gille, S Reijntjens, E Dompeling, JE Dankert-Roelse22/01/2013Tijdschriftartikel
The burden of disease related to indoor air in the Netherlands: do different methods lead to different results?D Schram-Bijkerk, EEMM van Kempen, AB Knol22/01/2013Tijdschriftartikel
An evaluation of bioaccumulation data for hexachlorobenzene to derive water quality standards according to the EU-WFD methodologyCTA Moermond, EMJ Verbruggen22/01/2013Tijdschriftartikel
eHealth wikiplatform to increase the uptake and impact of eHealth technologiesJEWC van Gemert-Pijnen, N Nijland, AHM van Limburg, SM Kelders, B Brandenburg, HC Ossebaard22/01/2013Tijdschriftartikel
Health technology trust: underserved or justified?HC Ossebaard, RE Geertsma, JEWC van Gemert-Pijnen22/01/2013Tijdschriftartikel
eTELEMED 2012. Proceedings of the 4th international conference on eHealth, telemedicine, and social medicine, Jan-Feb 2012, Valencia, SpainJEWC van Gemert-Pijnen, HC Ossebaard, A Smedberg, S Wynchank, P Giacomelli22/01/2013Tijdschriftartikel
Technology transparency: the case of the web-based Dutch National Health PortalHC Ossebaard, L van Gemert-Pijnen, ER Seydel22/01/2013Tijdschriftartikel