Preclinical safety and immunogenicity evaluation of a nonavalent PorA native outer membrane vesicle vaccine against serogroup B meningococcal diseaseP Kaaijk, I van Straaten, B van de Waterbeemd, EPJ Boot, LMAR Levels, HH van Dijken, GPJM van den Dobbelsteen29/01/2013Tijdschriftartikel
Relationship between critical load exceedances and empirical impact indicators at Integrated Monitoring sites across EuropeM Holmberg, J Vuorenmaa, M Posch, M Forsius, L Lundin, S Kleemola, A Augustaitis, B Beudert, HA de Wit, T Dirnbock, CD Evans, J Frey, U Grandin, I Indriksone, P Kram, E Pompei, H Schulte-Bisping, A Srybny, M Vana29/01/2013Tijdschriftartikel
Dioxins (polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzo-furans) in traditional clay products used during pregnancyNM Reeuwijk, A Talidda, R Malisch, A Kotz, A Tritscher, H Fiedler, MJ Zeilmaker, M Kooijman, KJH Wienk, WA Traag, RLAP Hoogenboom29/01/2013Tijdschriftartikel
Summary of the ISPD Preconference Day, June 3, 2012, Miami BeachBHW Faas, AO Odibo, V Cirigliano, P Schielen, D Pergament, P Devers, D Oepkes, P Benn29/01/2013Tijdschriftartikel
Alcohol drinking and endometrial cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) studyV Fedirko, M Jenab, S Rinaldi, C Biessy, NE Allen, L Dossus, NC Onland-Moret, M Schütze, A Tjonneland, L Hansen, K Overvad, F Clavel-Chapelon, N Chabbert-Buffet, R Kaaks, A Lukanova, MM Bergmann, H Boeing, A Trichopoulou, E Oustoglou, A Barbitsioti, C Saieva, G Tagliabue, R Galasso, R Tumino, C Sacerdote, PH Peeters, HB Bueno de Mesquita, E Weiderpass, IT Gram, S Sanchez, EJ Duell, E Molina-Montes, L Arriola, MD Chirlaque, E Ardanaz, J Manjer, E Lundin, A Idahl, KT Khaw, D Romaguera-Bosch, PA Wark, T Norat, I Romieu29/01/2013Tijdschriftartikel
Short-term exposure to nanoparticle-rich diesel engine exhaust causes changes in brain activity but not in cognitive performance in human volunteersA Driessen, B Cruts, L van Etten, PHB Fokkens, FR Cassee, PJA Borm29/01/2013Tijdschriftartikel
The policy relevance of wear emissions from road transport, now and in the future. Workshop reportHAC Denier, M Jozwicka, FR Cassee, ME Gerlofs-Nijland29/01/2013Tijdschriftartikel
Low-grade inflammation and insulin resistance independently explain substantial parts of the association between body fat and serum C3: The CODAM studyN Wlazlo, MMJ van Greevenbroek, I Ferreira, EHJM Jansen, EJM Feskens, CJH van der Kallen, CG Schalkwijk, B Bravenboer, CDA Stehouwer29/01/2013Tijdschriftartikel
Fruit and vegetable intake and type 2 diabetes: EPIC-InterAct prospective study and meta-analysisAJ Cooper, NG Forouhi, Z Ye, B Buijsse, L Arriola, B Balkau, A Barricarte, JWJ Beulens, H Boeing, FL Buechner, CC Dahm, B de Lauzon-Guillain, AMW Spijkerman, et al.29/01/2013Tijdschriftartikel