Nationwide outbreak of STEC O157 infection in the Netherlands, December 2008-January 2009: continuous risk of consuming raw beef productsK Greenland, C de Jager, A Heuvelink, K van der Zwaluw, M Heck, D Notermans, W van Pelt, I Friesema03/09/2009Tijdschriftartikel
Laboratory support during and after the Ebola virus endgame: towards a sustained laboratory infrastructureI Goodfellow, C Reusken, M Koopmans04/04/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Public preferences for vaccination programmes during pandemics caused by pathogens transmitted through respiratory droplets - a discrete choice experiment in four European countries, 2013D Determann, IJ Korfage, A Fagerlin, EW Steyerberg, MC Bliemer, HA Voeten, JH Richardus, MS Lambooij, EW de Bekker-Grob23/06/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Large ongoing Q fever outbreak in the south of the Netherlands, 2008B Schimmer, G Morroy, F Dijkstra, PM Schneeberger, C Wijkmans, W van der Hoek30/03/2009Tijdschriftartikel
Marked increase in leptospirosis infections in humans and dogs in the Netherlands, 2014R Pijnacker, MG Goris, MJ te Wierik, EM Broens, JW van der Giessen, M De Rosa, JA Wagenaar, RA Hartskeerl, DW Notermans, K Maassen, B Schimmer17/05/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Risk assessment, risk management and risk-based monitoring following a reported accidental release of poliovirus in Belgium, September to November 2014E Duizer, S Rutjes, AM de Roda-Husman, J Schijven04/04/2016Tijdschriftartikel
Mumps outbreak ongoing since october 2007 in the republic of MoldovaH Bernard, NG Schwarz, A Melnic, V Bucov, N Caterinciuc, RG Pebody, M Mulders, C Aidyralieva, S Hahne20/03/2009Tijdschriftartikel
Molecular characterisation of PFGE non-typable methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in The Netherlands, 2007XW Huijsdens, T Bosch, MG van Santen-Verheuvel, E Spalburg, GN Pluister, M van Luit, MEOC Heck, A Haenen, AJ de Neeling28/11/2009Tijdschriftartikel
Louse-borne relapsing fever (Borrelia recurrentis) in asylum seekers from Eritrea, the Netherlands, July 2015KR Wilting, Y Stienstra, B Sinha, M Braks, D Cornish, H Grundmann22/02/2016Tijdschriftartikel
First human case of tick-borne encephalitis virus infection acquired in the Netherlands, July 2016JA de Graaf, JHJ Reimerink, GP Voorn, EALB de Vaate, A de Vries, B Rockx, A Schuitemaker, V Hira19/09/2016Tijdschriftartikel