Comparing non-specific physical symptoms in environmentally sensitive patients: Prevalence, duration, functional status and illness behaviorC Baliatsas, I van Kamp, M Hooiveld, J Yzermans, E Lebret28/04/2014Tijdschriftartikel
Comparing responses of freshwater fish and invertebrate community integrity along multiple environmental gradientsA Pilière, AM Schipper, AM Breure, L Posthuma, D de Zwart, SD Dyer, MAJ Huijbregts22/04/2014Tijdschriftartikel
Comparison of five influenza surveillance systems during the 2009 pandemic and their association with media attentionMMA de Lange, A Meijer, IHM Friesema, GA Donker, CE Koppeschaar, M Hooiveld, N Ruigrok, W van der Hoek03/04/2014Tijdschriftartikel
Consequences of switching from a fixed 2 : 1 ratio of amoxicillin/clavulanate (CLSI) to a fixed concentration of clavulanate (EUCAST) for susceptibility testing of Escherichia coliMA Leverstein-van Hall, K Waar, J Muilwijk, J Cohen28/04/2014Tijdschriftartikel
Correlations between peripheral blood coxiella burnetii DNA load, interleukin-6 levels, and C-reactive protein levels in patients with acute Q feverMNT Kremers, R Janssen, CCH Wielders, LM Kampschreur, PM Schneeberger, PM Netten, A de Klerk, HM Hodemaekers, MHA Hermans, DW Notermans, PC Wever29/04/2014Tijdschriftartikel
Determinants and protective behaviours regarding tick bites among school children in the Netherlands: a cross-sectional studyDJMA Beaujean, F Gassner, A Wong, JE van Steenbergen, R Crutzen, D Ruwaard03/04/2014Tijdschriftartikel
Dietary vitamin D intake and risk of type 2 diabetes in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition: The EPIC-InterAct studyS Abbas, J Linseisen, S Rohrmann, JWJ Beulens, B Buijsse, PW Franks, AMW Spijkerman, A Tjonneland, R Tumino, DL van der A, et al.01/04/2014Tijdschriftartikel
Difficulties in diagnosing terminal ileitis due to Yersinia pseudotuberculosisHF Wunderink, PM Oostvogel, IHME Frénay, DW Notermans, A Fruth, EJ Kuijper01/04/2014Tijdschriftartikel
Een trendscenario en vier perspectieven voor 2040. De Volksgezondheid Toekomst Verkenning 2014C Schoemaker, J van Loon, N Hoeymans08/04/2014Tijdschriftartikel
Epidemic of mumps among vaccinated persons, the Netherlands, 2009-2012J Sane, S Gouma, M Koopmans, H de Melker, C Swaan, R van Binnendijk, S Hahne15/04/2014Tijdschriftartikel