Chlamydia pneumoniae, Helicobacter pylori and cytomegalovirus infections and the risk of peripheral arterial disease in young womenDGM Bloemenkamp, WPTM Mali, BC Tanis, FR Rosendaal, MAAJ van den Bosch, JM Kemmeren, A Algra, JM Ossewaarde, FLJ Visseren, AM van Loon, Y van der Graaf15/10/2002Tijdschriftartikel
Changes in the Dutch Bordetella pertussis population in the first 20 years after the introduction of whole-cell vaccinesIHM van Loo, FR Mooi17/10/2002Tijdschriftartikel
Attenuation and recovery of pulmonary injury in rats following short-term, repeated daily exposure to ozoneL van Bree, JAMA Dormans, HS Koren, RB Devlin, PJA Rombout23/10/2002Tijdschriftartikel
An outbreak of food-borne illness associated with methomyl-contaminated saltU Buchholz, J Mermin, R Rios, TL Casagrande, F Galey, M Lee, A Quattrone, J Farrar, N Nagelkerke, SB Werner17/10/2002Tijdschriftartikel
An international study of hospital readmissions and related utilization in Europe and the USAGP Westert, RJ Lagoe, I Keskimaki, A Leyland, M Murphy18/10/2002Tijdschriftartikel
Amsterdam Cohort Study on HIV and AIDS: impact of exposure to UVR as estimated by means of a 2-year retrospective questionnaire on immune parameters in HIV positive malesJ Maas, F Termorshuizen, RB Geskus, W Goettsch, RA Coutinho, F Miedema, H van Loveren18/10/2002Tijdschriftartikel
A Bayesian approach to parameter estimation in HIV dynamical modelsH Putter, SP Heisterkamp, JMA Lange, F de Wolf17/10/2002Tijdschriftartikel
Vaccination against hepatitis B in low endemic countriesM Kretzschmar, GA de Wit, LJM Smits, MJW van de Laar03/06/2002Tijdschriftartikel
UVB exposure impairs immune responses after hepatitis B vaccination in two different mouse strainsA Sleijffers, J Garssen, FR de Gruijl, GJ Boland, J van Hattum, WA van Vloten, H van Loveren12/06/2002Tijdschriftartikel
Traffic-related air pollution and respiratory health during the first 2 yrs of lifeU Gehring, J Cyrys, G Sedlmeir, B Brunekreef, T Bellander, P Fischer, CP Bauer, D Reinhardt, HE Wichmann, J Heinrich03/06/2002Tijdschriftartikel