Relation between water solubility, octanol/water coefficients, and bioconcentration of organic chemicals in fish: a reviewCAM van Gestel, K Otermann, JH Canton31/12/1985Tijdschriftartikel
Relation between nutritional requirements and susceptibilities to antibiotics of strains of Neisseria genorrhoea from pharyngeal and anogenital sitesMC Ansink-Schipper, B van Klingeren, H Huikeshoven, R Woudstra, M Dessens-Kroon31/12/1985Tijdschriftartikel
Relaties tussen autotrofe en heterotrofe planten op kweldersJ Rozema, W Arp, M van Esbroek, R Broekman31/12/1985Tijdschriftartikel
Radioecological model calculations for natural radionuclides released into the environment by disposal of phosphogypsumHW Koster, HP Leenhouts, AW van Weers, MJ Frissel31/12/1985Tijdschriftartikel
Radiation energy deposition in water: Calculation of DNA damage and its association with RBEHP Leenhouts, KH Chadwick31/12/1985Tijdschriftartikel
Quantitative structure activity relationships and mixture toxicity studies of alcohols and chlorohydrocarbons effects on growht of Daphnia MagnaJ Hermens, A Broekhuyzen, H Canton, R Wegman31/12/1985Tijdschriftartikel
Quantitatieve structure activity relationships and mixture toxicity studies of alcohols ans chlorohydrocarbons effects on growth of Daphnia MagnaR Wegman, J Hermens, E Broekhuizen, JH Canton31/12/1985Tijdschriftartikel
Protocol for X-ray dosimetrie and exposure arrangements employed in studies of late somatic effects in mammalsJ Zoetelief, RW Davies, G Scarpa, GH Hofmeester, A Dixon- Brown, AJ van der Kogel, JJ Broerse31/12/1985Tijdschriftartikel
Protein-binding and urinary excretion of 99m Tc(sn)-MDP and 99m dTc- MDPTJF Savelkoul, JJ van Ginkel, JJ Grouls, SJ Oldenburg, SA Duursma31/12/1985Tijdschriftartikel
Protection of the groundwater quality in porous permeable rocksHG van Waegeningh31/12/1985Tijdschriftartikel