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In het kader van de samenwerking tussen de luchtkwaliteits-meetnetten van het RIVM, de GGD Amsterdam en de DCMR Milieudienst Rijnmond vinden sinds enkele jaren tussen RIVM en de beide organisaties vergelijkende metingen plaats op meetlocaties in Amsterdam (RIVM-GGD) en Rotterdam (RIVM-DCMR): - Amsterdam: stikstofdioxide op locatie Overtoom - Rotterdam: stikstofdioxide en PM10 op locatie Bentinckplein/Statenweg. Deze hebben tot doel de vergelijkbaarheid van de resultaten van de verschillende meetinstanties vast te stellen; bij voldoende vergelijkbaarheid kunnen de instanties wederzijds gebruik maken van elkaars resultaten. Evaluatie van de resultaten van de vergelijkingen verricht in 2010 toont aan dat de resulterende meetonzekerheden in alle gevallen te voldoen aan de criteria gesteld in EU Richtlijn 2008/50/EC. Aangezien alle instanties een ISO 17025 accreditatie voeren voor de betreffende metingen mag ervan worden uitgegaan dat het kwaliteitsniveau en de vergelijkbaarheid zoals bepaald in deze vergelijkingen representatief zijn voor de andere meetlocaties van de netwerken. Dit impliceert dat de instanties in principe gebruik kunnen maken van elkaars meetgegevens voor de componenten waarvoor resultaten zijn vergeleken (DCMR en RIVM voor stikstofdioxide en PM10; GGD en RIVM voor stikstofdioxide).


Within the frame of the cooperation between the air quality monitoring networks of RIVM, GGD Amsterdam and DCMR Environmental Protection Agency comparative measurements are performed between RIVM and both regional networks at locations in Amsterdam (RIVM-GGD) and Rotterdam (RIVM-DCMR): - Amsterdam: nitrogen dioxide at location Overtoom - Rotterdam: nitrogen dioxide and PM10 at location Bentinckplein/Statenweg. The purpose of these comparisons is demonstrating comparability of results obtained by the different networks. In case of sufficient comparability mutual use can be made of their results. All networks use the European Union reference methods for nitrogen dioxide and PM10. The evaluation involves comparison of hourly average results for nitrogen dioxide and of daily average results for PM10 by applying orthogonal regression analysis and by examination of differences between results as a function of measurement period and concentration level. Evaluation of the comparison between RIVM and DCMR for the year 2010 shows that for PM10 results agree almost on a "1 to 1" basis. The comparisons for nitrogen dioxide reveal an overall agreement of results averaged over the whole year to within ±1,6%. However, distinct differences can be observed in the relationships over the first and second half of 2010, with ratios of RIVM's results to those of the other networks increasing. Further, the relationship between results for DCMR and RIVM deviates markedly from the expected relationship y=x. Reasons for this may be differences in applied calibration procedures and handling of low measurement values. Evaluation further shows that the resulting measurement uncertainties in all cases are well within the criteria given in EU Directive 2008/50/EC. As all networks have an ISO 17025 accreditation for the measurements compared it may be assumed that the quality levels and, consequently, the comparability of the results determined in these comparisons are representative for the networks as a whole. Consequently, it should be possible for networks to make mutual use of results for the components compared (DCMR and RIVM for nitrogen dioxide and PM10; GGD and RIVM for nitrogen dioxide).

