
In the Arnhem area, with 830.000 inhabitants, the RPHL is the only laboratory performing anti-HIV tests. In the automated administration of the RPHL all relevant (standard) information on the HIV test, the physician requesting testing and the tested individual are selected for anonymous analysis. Between April 1989 and July 1993 12,219 anti-HIV tests (252 or 2.1% positive) were performed for 10,972 individuals (86 men and 21 women, i.e. 1.0% positive). In 41.6% testing was done for screening purposes, usually for life assurances (1/3,434 seropositive), and these are disregarded in subsequent analyses. Heterosexual risk behaviour was the reason for the test in 2,477 out of 4,818 tests for clinical purposes ; seven infections were found in this group: 3 out of 47 persons with a seropositive partner, 3 out of 460 with a partner in a risk group and 1 out of 1,970 with multiple heterosexual partners. Although only 13.8% of the tests were performed among homo/bisexual men, 50.7% of all infections were found in this group (34 out of 336 homosexual men tested, seroprevalence 10.1%). Among 169 intravenous drug users, 6 infections were found (3 men and 3 women, seroprevalence 3.6%). Among 312 persons who stayed in HIV-endemic areas, 4 were infected (seroprevalence 1.3%). The methodology used in this surveillance programme allows for extension to other regions and other infectious diseases.

