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The development of mucosal immunity (MI) is very important for reducing the replication and circulation of the virus, and thereby, for the control and eradication of poliomyelitis. Both the inactivated (IPV) and oral (OPV) poliomyelitis vaccine induce a MI to some degree. The MI induced by OPV resembles that obtained after natural infection. It does not confer absolute immunity to reinfection ; around 35% of OPV-vaccinees excrete virus after challenge with OPV. The MI induced by IPV is less effective. Nevertheless, the magnitude and duration of virusexcretion are considerably reduced compared with non vaccinated controls. The differences in MI between IPV and OPV vaccinees are most outspoken in the gut and less so in the pharinx. So far, studies on MI mainly focussed on poliovirus type 1, used vaccines (-formulations) different from those used in the Netherlands and were carried out shortly after vaccination. Hardly any data exist on the persistance of MI, as well on MI induced by combined IPV and OPV schemes. Although apparently less effective in inducing MI, the use of IPV has stopped endemic viruscirculation in countries like Sweden and the Netherlands. The reason for this is not quite clear and further indicate that the results of the (mostly experimental) studies on MI cannot simply be extrapolated to the current Dutch situation. Further studies are needed to determine the extent and significance of MI in the Dutch population.

