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This report describes the results of a preliminary investigation on the occurrence of polybrominated and mixed bromo/chloro dibenzodioxins and furans in cow's milk in the deposition area of the waste incinerator "Afvalverwerking Rijnmond" (AVR). The investigation was carried out in a large pooled cow's milk sample containing polychlorodibenzodioxins and furans (PCDD/F) at a level of 8.14 pg toxic equivalents (TEQ/g) milk fat. The sample was considered to be representative for a two months milk production of five dairy farms in the Lickebaert area North of the incinerators. Analyses were performed by gas chromatography/negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry (GC/NCI-MS) as an initial screening method to the presence of any brominated or chlorinated compounds, followed by structure analysis using electron impact GCMS. Four compounds could be identified of which the structures resembled with polybromodibenzofurans and were tentatively identified as: two isomers of tribromodibenzofuran, one isomer of tetrabromodibenzofuran and one pentabromodibenzofuran, respectively. From comparison with authentic standards it follwed that none of the identified compounds had the 2,3,7,8-substitution pattern and consequently may be considered as not extremely toxic. On the basis of these findings, it is expected that none of the tentatively identified compounds may not significantly contribute to the increased TEQ values in cow's milk due to the presence of PCDD/Fs. Parallel to the milk sample a pooled seafood sample was investigated. Two compounds could be identified as positional isomers of the tetrabromodibenzodioxin and tetrabromodibenzofuran congener groups, respectively, both not having a 2,3,7,8-substitution pattern.

