
After the presentation of the Evaluation System for Pesticides (ESPE) 1. Agricultural pesticides (Emans et al. 1992) this present report is describing the logical successor ESPE 2: non-agricultural pesticides. Starting with an extensive emission analysis of the different types of nonagricultural pesticides the introduction into the environment is estimated. The distribution and risk-analysis follow thereafter the lines outlined in ESPE 1. The non-agricultural pesticides are distinguished in someclasses: 1. disinfectants, 2 industrial biocides, 3 preservatives, 4. household products, 5 wood preservatives and -protectors 6. antifouling paints. Taking into consideration the way of emission into the environment proposals are presented for the data that will be desiable for the registration evaluation. Thereafter, the data will be used, together with standardized assumptions on the environment, in calculation schemes, leading to the calculation of so-called Predicted Environmental Concentrations (PECs). The ratio between the PEC and the NEC (NO Effect Concentration) or sometimes the LC50 or EC50 leads then to a risk phrase, where a policy decision can be based upon. Besides the decision trees introduced in ESPE 1 two extra trees are developed additionally for beneficial micro-organisms in municipal sewage treatment plants (because an interference with these micro organisms can lead to an unacceptable organisms can lead to an unacceptable contamination of the surface water) and for bats (because remidial treatment of timbers in buildings has been considered a significant cause of mortality to bats). These trees take an analogous format as those in ESPE 1. With the presentation of part 2 of the evaluation system ESPE the first step to a methodology for the evaluation of pesticides within the scope of registration has been made. In the report several open ends are still present, because sufficiently accepted methods for all routes are not yet available in the literature. The largest part of ESPE 2, the evaluation system for non-agricultural pesticides is incorporated in the Uniform System for the Evaluation of Substances (USES). All further developments which can lead to adaption, changes, and completion of the Evaluation Systems for Pesticides will be carried out in the framework of USES.

