
This report describes a community-study of gastro-intestinal diseases in the Netherlands. From March until July 1991 in four regions a study was carried out to measure the incidence, cause and the number of patients consulting a doctor. Gastro-enteritis was discriminated from general gastro-intestinal complaints. The results were corrected for differences in sex and age between the study population and the community. The incidence for general gastro-intestinal complaints was calculated to be 400 patients per 1000 persons yearly. In 18% a doctor was consulted, half only by phone and half by visit. Based on this incidence, yearly a total number of 6 million persons in the Netherlands can be estimated suffering an episode of gastro-intestinal illness. The incidence of gastro-enteritis was calculated to be 145 patients per 1000 yearly. In 22% a doctor was consulted, also half by visit. This means 2 million patients yearly suffering gastro-enteritis and 250.000 visiting a doctor. In a former study of gastro-enteritis in general practices an incidence of 225.000 yearly was calculated. Therefor data about incidence collected in general practices have to be multiplied by a factor 10 to estimate the incidence in the community.

