IHR International Health Regulations (International Health Regulations) Ship Sanitation Certificates in the Netherlands  

To apply for a certificate, contact the issuing authority per port in the Netherlands using the following links:

Dutch ports:

Caribbean municipalities of the Netherlands:

 Applying for Ship Sanitation Certificates

Since the 15th June 2007, The Ship Sanitation Certificate has been a compulsory requirement on board of ships sailing in international waters. It was introduced in order to prevent world wide spread of infectious diseases.

Applications for Ship Sanitation Certificate inspections can be submitted to the Port health authority. The inspections are based on the International Health Regulations (IHR) made by the International Health Organization ( WHO World Health Organization (World Health Organization)) which are incorporated in the Dutch Public Health Act. There are three types of certificates:

Ship Sanitation Control Exemption Certificate ( SSCEC Ship Sanitation Control Exemption Certificate (Ship Sanitation Control Exemption Certificate))

A ship has been inspected and everything is in order. The ship is then exempt from further sanitary inspections for a period of six months.

Ship Sanitation Control Certificate ( SSCC Ship Sanitation Control Certificate (Ship Sanitation Control Certificate))

A ship has been inspected and certain shortcomings discovered. The shortcomings are listed on the certificate. These must then be repaired, or otherwise resolved, and resubmitted for inspection.

Extension of the Ship Sanitation Control Exemption Certificate (ESSCEC)

If a requested inspection cannot be carried out then it is allowed, in exceptional cases, to apply for an Extension of the Ship Sanitation Control Exemption Certificate (ESSCEC). This allows for an extra month's time to request and conduct a new inspection.

All WHO standards have been included in a Schedule of Requirements. These can be found in the box on the right side of this page.

For more information, please visit the section 'International Health Regulations' on the website of the World Health Organization.