
The use of satellite data to construct ground level UV-radiation maps offers a unique opportunity to investigate geographical and temporal variability of ground level UV-radiation levels related to atmospheric changes, like ozone depletion or cloud changes. The calculation of long term yearly UV-doses in combination with dose-effect models for UV-related effects, like skin cancer, further enhances the application of UV-maps as a powerful tool to support environmental assessments. This report describes the results obtained in the CUBEO-project: a Climatology of Ultraviolet Budgets using Earth Observation. The project aimed at the development and validation of UV-mapping methods that can be applied in environmental assessments. The results indicated that the satellite derived cloud correction provides accurate and representative results if the ground albedo is low. The comparison with ground based UV-measurements at different sites in Europe shows an agreement for the yearly UV-dose within 10%. An indication of the long term stability of the UV-mapping methods is obtained by means of a systematic comparison of UV-doses derived from ground based ozone and cloud data and doses derived from satellite observations over a period of nearly 20 years. The European maps of changes in UV-budgets at the ground and associated excess skin cancer risks have been reported in national and international state of the environment reports published by the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and/or the European Environmental Agency (EEA). These state of the environment reports contribute to the provision of information necessary for framing and implementing sound and effective environmental policies.

This investigation has been performed by order and for the account of BCRS, EU and RIVM, within the framework of the projects CUBEO and MAUVE.

