What factors affected participation in COVID-19 vaccination and what sentiments and considerations did people in the Netherlands have in choosing to receive a vaccination? RIVM conducted various studies on willingness to vaccinate. This information enables the government to communicate effectively about the vaccination campaign and allows citizens to make an informed choice. 


Figures on willingness to vaccinate in relation to the COVID-19 vaccination that was offered to specific groups in autumn 2023 area available on the RIVM page on trend analysis (only in Dutch).

The cohort survey research (only in Dutch) offers insight into the changes over time and differences between groups in terms of willingness to vaccinate during the pandemic (until September 2022).

In addition, various research methods were used (such as literature review, qualitative research and quasi-experimental research) to gain further insight into specific questions that were raised during the pandemic. The results of these studies were presented in the following publications. 



In autumn 2021, the Municipal Public Health Services (GGDs) in the Netherlands deployed mobile vaccination units in various neighbourhoods. In some neighbourhoods in the Amsterdam region, more first COVID-19 vaccinations were administered during the deployment of these mobile vaccination units.  

Vaccination choices involve a complex process in which personal motivations and social and societal factors influence each other. The publication entitled Vaccination | Insight into behaviour (December 2021; only in Dutch) offers insight into behaviour, motivations and obstacles in choosing whether or not to vaccinate against COVID-19. 

Specific insights were presented in this memo (only in Dutch).It was drafted using results from scientific research at the national and international levels as well as interviews with experts. 

Making informed choices about whether or not to get vaccinated against COVID-19 can contribute to public support in the longer term. This publication (April 2021; only in Dutch) describes which 3 elements are relevant to enable citizens to make a well-informed choice.