Joint action TERROR is a joint effort by health authorities in European countries to improve health preparedness and cross-sectoral cooperation in the event of a biological or chemical terror attack. The start was in May 2021 and the Joint Action will run for three years. Joint Action TERROR brings together 31 partners from 17 European countries and is coordinated by the Norwegian Directorate of Health.

Goal of the project

Joint Action TERROR’s main objectives are to address gaps in health preparedness and to strengthen cross-sectoral work with security, civil protection and health sectors response to biological and chemical terror attacks. As main outcomes, the following is envisaged:

  • Identified gaps and areas in health preparedness for improvement. 
  • Improved collaboration between health, security and civil protection sectors at operational and strategic level. 
  • Identified good practices and examples of systems and mechanisms for cross-sectoral and cross-border cooperation. 
  • Updated clinical and non-pharmaceutical management guidelines. 
  • Guidance on risk and crisis communication. 
  • Risk assessments on novel threat agents and guidance on health preparedness. 
  • Improved preparedness on novel threats. 

Who is involved 

Partners representing  the sectors public health, law enforcement and civil protection. In the Netherlands, RIVM is the competent authority, NFI participates as affiliated entity and several other parties representing one of the three sectors involved. The project is funded by the 3rd Health Programme European Commission.


  • Simulation Exercise, 15 June 2023, Madrid, Spain, to assess the collaboration in preparedness and response between public health, civil protection and law enforcement in case of a chemical terror attack.
  • Workshop to compare the view of the three individual sectors on their collaboration in preparedness and response to chemical and biological terror attacks.
  • Partnership fora, to discuss the state of play and next steps in an annual, physical meeting. May 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenia and June 2023, Umea, Sweden. 

RIVM role

RIVM is the competent authority in this project, and coordinates participation from the Netherlands both in national and international context of the JA TERROR.