Hazardous substances in re-used materials are a consideration in the circular economy. Waste that contains Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs substances of very high concern (substances of very high concern)) needs to be able to be re-used without posing risks to human health or the environment. In addition, some substances may be banned from the recycling process entirely. RIVM advises all layers of the government about recycling and hazardous substances. We also work closely with companies and other knowledge institutes in this area.

Hazardous substances in re-used materials are a consideration in the circular economy. Waste that contains Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs substances of very high concern (substances of very high concern)) needs to be able to be re-used without posing risks to human health or the environment. In addition, some substances may be banned from the recycling process entirely. RIVM advises all layers of the government about recycling and hazardous substances. We also work closely with companies and other knowledge institutes in this area.

At this point, assessment of substances and products and sustainability assessments often take place in completely separate processes. RIVM combines these fields of expertise, for instance on behalf of the National Waste Plan produced by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. We provided guidance for safe recycling of waste materials containing Substances of Very High Concern. Among other applications, the guidance is used by local and regional government authorities, who play an important role in issuing permits and licenses, and monitoring the presence of substances in the environment.

RIVM supports the efforts of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management to promote innovation of substances that can safely be used in a circular economy (Safe Chemicals Innovation Agenda). The Netherlands is taking the lead in this area within Europe.

European legislation

As far as chemical substances are concerned, much of the laws and regulations are defined at the European level. That is why RIVM is also working at the European level to promote a cleaner circular economy. In the context of the CleaR project, we are working with Ramboll Environment & Health Consultancy to develop a framework for dealing with Substances of Very High Concern in waste materials and in re-used materials. The framework will help to determine the positive and negative effects of the chemical substances. Our aim is to see that the framework is incorporated into the European Union’s REACH Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals) Regulation.