National Heat Plan active The National Heat Plan became active in the Netherlands on June 30th. This means that it is necessary to take preventive health measures for vulnerable groups.
Antibiotic resistance is stable, however, more resistant bacteria are expected Over recent years, antibiotic resistance to most agents has remained stable in the Netherlands, and the use of antibiotics has slightly decreased.
RIVM designated as WHO Collaborating Centre Antimicrobial Resistance Epidemiology and Surveillance AMR is one of the major global challenges in infectious disease control.
RIVM participates in large EU project to head up global fight against infectious diseases COMPARE, a large EU project intends to speed up the detection of, and response to disease outbreaks among humans and animals worldwide, through the use of new genome technology.
European Antibiotic Awareness Day 2014 Tuesday 18 November is European Antibiotic Awareness Day. On this day, throughout Europe, attention is focused on the responsible use of antibiotics for people and animals.
Antibiotic resistance no longer increasing but vigilance remains necessary After continuing to rise for many years, in 2013 the prevalence of resistance to antibiotics levelled out somewhat in both hospitals and primary care.
International top conference about antibiotic resistance On 25 and 26 June, an international conference about resistance to antibiotics - an increasing worldwide problem - will take place in The Hague.
Human and veterinary health sectors join forces for responsible use of antibiotics. Bacteria that are resistant to almost all antibiotics continue to spread across Europe. This was revealed by new figures from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).
In The Spotlight: Young Researchers RIVM 'Young Researchers' present their PhD research in 4 short films which were made especially to highlight and explain their scientific research.