Insufficient knowledge to protect the health of the Dutch population from climate change The climate is changing. This process is already affecting the health of people in the Netherlands. As such, it is important to take immediate action to prepare the Netherlands and its population for climate change and to reduce the effects on health
More STI tests conducted by Sexual Health Centres In 2021, more people visited a Sexual Health Centre (SHC) to get tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) than in 2020. This figure is still lower than in 2019, the year before the coronavirus outbreak.
New WHO Collaborating Centre hosted by RIVM combines laboratory preparedness and biorisk RIVM has been designated WHO Collaborating Centre for Laboratory Preparedness and Response for High Threat Pathogens and Biorisk by the World Health Organization (WHO).
RIVM magazine special edition on Climate Change and Health The RIVM Magazine special edition on Climate change and Health showcases the scope of RIVM’s work on this topic.
Increase in gonorrhoea and syphilis diagnoses The number of people who got themselves tested for a sexually transmitted infection (STI) at a Sexual Health Centre (SHC) in 2019 has remained almost the same as in 2018.
More people are tested for STIs The number of people who have been tested for a sexually transmitted infection (STI) went up in 2017. This is the case both at the Sexual Health Centres and at the General Practitioner.
Risks of potential release of genetically modified mosquitoes evaluated On Saba, a Dutch Caribbean island, diseases such as dengue, chikungunya and zika can be reduced by the use of genetically modified mosquitoes.
More gonorrhoea, syphilis and chlamydia at Dutch STI clinics An increasing number of clients tested at a Dutch STI clinic for a sexually transmitted infection (STI) is diagnosed with gonorrhoea, syphilis and chlamydia.
The number of STI tests keeps increasing The number of clients tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) at Dutch STI clinics has increased since 2004.
Chikungunya infections in the Caribbean region Since August 2014, there has been an increase in the number of Chikungunya patients in the Caribbean region. Travellers who visit the region can become infected there.