Call for circular designers If you work on a circular solution or products, you can get lost in the complexity of quality labels, marketing strategies, advice and prohibitions.
Emphasising safety and sustainability in circular design A stronger focus on safety, health and sustainability is needed in designing circular products. When basic resources are re-used in new products, health risks should be avoided.
CleaR delivers framework for risk assessment of substances of concern in the recycling process For a successful circular economy, it is essential to improve the conditions in which materials and products are recycled once they have reached the end of their life cycle.
Young people who use screens before sleeping have more sleep problems Young people (13-18 years) who use light-emitting screens daily in the hour before going to sleep have more sleep problems.
The Circular Economy: starting progress measurement in the Netherlands A new report by Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) and RIVM outlines a draft monitoring system to measure progress throughout the planned trans
Promising biobased alternatives to controversial polar aprotic solvents There are a number of promising biobased alternatives to controversial polar aprotic solvents, as revealed in a report from Wageningen Food & Biobased Research commissioned by RIVM .
Substances of very high concern hamper recycling Substances of very high concern (SVHC) can hamper the safe recycling of waste streams in the Netherlands. These substances occur in a wide range of waste streams.
Need for circular use of materials in construction Construction and demolition waste are being recycled on a large scale to use as a foundation for e.g. roads, but recycled building materials are hardly ever used in the construction of buildings.
RIVM seeks dialogue with Industry for safe and green chemistry RIVM would like to explore possibilities to eliminate obstacles during innovation of green chemistry with industry.
Biobased alternatives to hormone disrupting substance in cash register receipts Chemicals made from vegetable or animal waste may be an alternative to the use of the substance Bisphenol A (BPA) in thermal paper. Thermal paper is widely used for cash register receipts.