Less greenhouse gas emissions across the supply chain: survey for policy development The Dutch Climate Agreement contains measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the Netherlands. Many products used in the Netherlands are manufactured abroad.
Circular economy: more opportunities for reuse of slightly radioactive substances The manufacturing of steel and pigments involves the generation of millions of kilos of slightly radioactive residues. In addition, more and more of these substances will continue to be generated in the rapidly growing sector of geothermal energy.
RIVM creates overview of nitrogen monitoring in water in Europe At the behest of the European Parliament, the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) has formulated a report on how EU member states are dealing with European regulations on nitrogen in water (nitrate). Michel Looyenstein
Ten years of Tick Radar 80,000 tick bite reports; chances of being bitten highest in Drenthe After recording 80,000 tick bites in 10 years via Tekenradar.nl, we now know that you are most likely to be bitten by a tick in Drenthe. Quickly removing the tick halves the chance of contracting Lyme disease.
Collaboration necessary to ensure the safe reuse of consumer products In a circular economy, products, materials and raw materials are continually reused. For example, consumer products like clothes, packaging and toys.
More attention needs to be paid to the safe recycling of waste According to the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) there needs to be a greater (international) focus on, and increased awareness of, the safe recycling of waste.
Long-term symptoms more common after Lyme disease More than a quarter of people with Lyme disease continue to have long-term symptoms that lead to limitations in daily life even after treatment.
Method for safe and sustainable recycling of waste The method developed by RIVM to assess whether waste treatment is sufficiently safe and sustainable, can contribute to the European ambitions for a safe and more circular economy.
The 2020 Nitrate Report: nitrate levels in the water on farms on the rise again since 2017 More nitrogen and phosphorus have been ending up in the soil on farms since 2015. As a result, nitrate concentrations have been rising since 2017 in leachates and ditch water from those farms.
Improvement of air quality continues In 2019, the calculated concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM10) were below the European limit values in almost the whole of the Netherlands. Locally, the limit value for nitrogen dioxide is still being exceeded.