Circular economy: more opportunities for reuse of slightly radioactive substances The manufacturing of steel and pigments involves the generation of millions of kilos of slightly radioactive residues. In addition, more and more of these substances will continue to be generated in the rapidly growing sector of geothermal energy.
High rates of RSV in children over the summer, and a late flu epidemic in the 2021-2022 season Hospitals reported an unusually large number of children presenting with RSV over the summer of 2021. The number of positive coronavirus tests rapidly increased after the summer of 2021.
Collaboration necessary to ensure the safe reuse of consumer products In a circular economy, products, materials and raw materials are continually reused. For example, consumer products like clothes, packaging and toys.
Better monitoring of RSV thanks to new European project RIVM and Nivel contribute to building a European RSV monitoring network. Through the network, European health institutions and laboratories will exchange data on the spread of RSV. This will help us to better monitor the virus.
More attention needs to be paid to the safe recycling of waste According to the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) there needs to be a greater (international) focus on, and increased awareness of, the safe recycling of waste.
Method for safe and sustainable recycling of waste The method developed by RIVM to assess whether waste treatment is sufficiently safe and sustainable, can contribute to the European ambitions for a safe and more circular economy.
RIVM international circular economy knowledge partner As of 7 December 2020, RIVM has become a knowledge partner of the international Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy (PACE).
A guide for the safe reuse of diaper and incontinence materials RIVM has developed a step-by-step plan for the safe reuse of diapers and incontinence material. This plan provides recyclers and licensing authorities with tools to carry out a risk assessment.
Call for circular designers If you work on a circular solution or products, you can get lost in the complexity of quality labels, marketing strategies, advice and prohibitions.
Emphasising safety and sustainability in circular design A stronger focus on safety, health and sustainability is needed in designing circular products. When basic resources are re-used in new products, health risks should be avoided.